2505 S. 3095 (One hundred second Congress, Second Session — G.H.W. Bush)
To restore and clarify the Federal relationship with the Jena Band of Choctaws of Louisiana.
Pocket veto occurred after the 2nd session of the 102nd Congress adjourned sine die on October 9, 1992. The bill was presented to the President on October 9, 1992 (138 Cong. Rec. 34687). A Memorandum of Disapproval was printed at 28 Weekly Comp. of Pres. Doc. 2036-2037, October 26, 1992.
Presidential Vetoes, 1989-2000. (2001). Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 11.
Congressional Record 138, 34687 (1992).
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 28, 2036-2037 (1992).
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